No official tailgate this weekend. Unfortunately, the Colorado game has been set for a 12:30 kickoff so tailgating for that game seems unlikely also. I'm sure the Tennessee game will either be the 3:30 CBS game or the ESPN night game; I suppose we'll finally get to tailgate for that one. Robin and I will probably try and find a place to stay in Athens that weekend; I'll give y'all a heads up if we find some openings.
I'm still hung-over from last weekend; thanks to everyone who showed up and I hope y'all had a good time. Here are few pics from Sat.; I also have two hilarious video clips that I'll try to get posted here in the next week or so...
This first photo was e-mailed to me from my Brother. I've included his e-mail description also; the photo is like a fine work of art...
from Mark:
Check out this picture from your party, I have some more but this is my favorite. It looks like this picture was setup, Reich in the foreground about to puke, me in the middle spilling a drink and you and Stephen in the background having a moment. It’s the Trifecta of drunkenness. I also like the little nuances throughout the picture…stack of pizza boxes toped of with a piece of cake, a clear picture of John Smoltz on the TV while Reich is wearing his Braves jersey. It’s a great drunken picture. Good Times...High Five Old Geezers The Beer Window "You Son-of-a-Bitch..." Jay displays textbook Keg Tossing form... "This Keg is going down bitches!""You Keg Toss Like A Girl"The Best Picture Ever...See Y'all Soon...GO DAWGS